
Creating relations

Portrait Uta


Creating relations

Portrait Uta




Mummert – Creating relations

C’est :

• Plus de 20 années d’expériences dans organisation et communication événementielle sur nombreux salons et conférences et d’autres évènements

• Un large éventail de services événementiels sur mesure (organisation, communication, relations publiques, coaching, marketing, cuisine en événementiel, …) pour atteindre vos objectifs.

• Des expériences, qualifications, compétences, vastes connaissances spécifiques et excellents réseaux internationaux de contacts dans différentes domaines :

  • La transition énergétique et écologique, l’hydrogène et les piles à combustible, les énergies renouvelables, la mobilité à batterie électrique
  • Les pédagogies différentes (Montessori, Pikler, Dolto, Freinet, Steiner, etc.)
  • Culture & créativité : musique, art et théâtre

• Un accompagnement personnalisé à géométrie variable selon vos besoins, des compétences interculturelles et un constant goût de relever de nouveaux défis.

Musique deadful greats
Salon efcf voitures

Mummert – Creating relations

Das bedeutet:

• über 20 Jahre Praxiserfahrungen auf Messen, Konferenzen und anderen Events

• maßgeschneiderte Dienstleistungsportfolio rund um Kommunikation – Konzeption – Organisation – Coaching – Creative Catering

• thematische Fachkompetenz, internationale Netzwerke mit weitreichenden Kontakten, Branchenkenntnisse und Know-How in den Bereichen:

  • Energiewende (Stichworte: Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen, regenerative Energien, Elektromobilität, …)
  • Pädagogik (Stichworte:  Reformpädagogik, Alternativpädagogik, Montessori, Pikler, Dolto, Freinet, Steiner, Neill, etc.)
  • Kultur & Kreativität : Musik, Kunst, Theater

• projektbezogene Flexibilität, interkulturelle Kompetenz und beständige Neugierde auf neue Herausforderungen.

Mummert – Creating relations

That means:

• More than 20 years’ experience of event organization and marketing for numerous trade shows, conferences and various events

• Customized service portfolio for event public relations – event communication – event conception – event organization – coaching – creative event catering

• Well-established, ever-growing large network of professional and personal friends and contacts worldwide

• Multifaceted knowledge and skills as well as a multi sector expertise

• We currently work principally in the following areas:

  • Energy transition, hydrogen and fuel cells, renewable energies, ecological transition, battery electric vehicles
  • Alternative education and teaching methods (Montessori, Pikler, Dolto, Freinet, Steiner, Neill etc.)
  • Culture & creativity : music, art and theatre

• Flexible project management, intercultural skills and constant willingness to take on new challenges.

Expérience efcf hall

Références • Referenzen


ise hmi

GL Events


International network and partnership specialist
HyVolution TV Coordination

2018 emobil lahr

e-mobil BW

State Horticultural Show Lahr

Public Show Communication Services

e-mobil bundesgartenschau

e-mobil BW

National Horticultural Show

Public Show Communication Services

emobil fcell

e-mobil BW

f-cell 2018

Trade Fair Communication Services

Salon ise evs30

Fraunhofer ISE

Electric Vehicles Symposium EVS 30

Trade Fair Communication Services

Fraunhofer ISE

Fraunhofer ISE

World of Energy Solutions

Trade Fair Communication Services

ise hmi

Fraunhofer ISE

Group Exhibit “Hydrogen & Fuel Cells”

Trade Fair Communication Services

ise hmi

656 Editions

CTCO Germany

Marketing & Communication

deadful greats

The Deadful Greats

“Tour de France”

Band Management and Promotion

Stage tango aubenas

Association „Tangodiffusion“

Milonga de Verano

Event Organisation and Communication

Domaine cabanis

Domaine Cabanis

Marketing & PR Consulting

Tangospirit frohberg

Tangospirit GbR

Tangospirit Gut Frohberg

Festival ziegler bastelmesse

Kreativhaus Ziegler

Grimma City Festival & Public Fair
“Modell, Hobby, Spiel”

Promotion Services

hydrogeit verlag

Sven Geitmann

Hydrogeit Verlag

Journalistic Activities

Tangospirit heinrichsruh

Alma en Vuelo

Tango Holidays Heinrichsruh

Creative Catering Support

alegria feldenkrais cooking

Motion Aware

Feldenkrais Happenings with Alégria Mannhardt

Creative Catering Support

Expérience renz hmi

Tobias Renz FAIR

Group Exhibit
“Hydrogen & Fuel Cells”

PR – VIP Services

mummert ilotzenfants monte


International Business and Trade Fair Consulting

Marketing evers hmi

Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR

Group Exhibit
“Hydrogen & Fuel Cells”

Marketing & Communications

mummert psa evs32

Peter Sauber Messen und Kongresse GmbH


Exhibition Support and Business Development France-Germany

Salon efcf

European Fuel Cell Forum AG

European SOFC & SOE Forum and European PEFC Forum

Exhibition Organization & PR-Activities

psa f-cell

Peter Sauber Messen und Kongresse GmbH


Business Developpment France and Conference Organization

riebensahm krieger frohberg

Riebensahm & Krieger GbR

Different events, retreats, seminars

Creative Catering Support

Lyon primevere


Primevere, Lyon

Public Fair Participation, Booth Organization & PR Activities

Uta contact



Uta Mummert

+ 33 (0) 6 52 98 05 52

+ 49 (0) 177 48 11 408
